Lowongan Kerja BUMN Sucofindo Agustus 2014

Lowongan Kerja BUMN SUCOFINDO was established on October 22, 1956 as the first inspection company in Indonesia to 95% of its shares controlled by the Republic of Indonesia and 5% owned by Societe Generale de Surveillance (SGS) Holding, SA.
Beginning with the development of trading activities primarily on agricultural commodities, the smooth flow of goods and securing the State foreign exchange in import-export trade, and through creativity, innovation SUCOFINDO new services on the basis of competence in line with the development needs of the business.
Now SUCOFINDO is opewning position for:
Technical Inspector
Kualifikasi :
Kualifikasi :
Beginning with the development of trading activities primarily on agricultural commodities, the smooth flow of goods and securing the State foreign exchange in import-export trade, and through creativity, innovation SUCOFINDO new services on the basis of competence in line with the development needs of the business.
Now SUCOFINDO is opewning position for:
Technical Inspector
Kualifikasi :
- S1 Teknik Sipil : Sipil Basah, Mampu mengoperasikan Aplikasi Autocad
- S1 Teknik Elektro : Elektro Arus Kuat
Kualifikasi :
- S1 Teknik Perkapalan :
- Nautical
- Bersertifikat PFSO
- Bersertifikat SSO
- Bersertifikat ANT II
- S1 Teknik Perkapalan :
- Naval (Bangunan Kapal)
- Diutamakan bersertifikat Welding Inspector
- Mampu mengoperasikan Aplikasi Autocad
- Laki-laki, maks. 30 tahun
- Tidak buta warna
- Mampu mengoperasikan aplikasi Ms. Office
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris (Lisan & Tulisan)
- Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia
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